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/ Importance Of Leadership Skills

Importance Of Leadership Skills

“Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example”
–Cory Booker, Senator, United States

Today’s rapidly transforming world needs leaders who walk the talk, not just by their speech or elaborate strategies, but show actions that can be measured by the impact on people around them. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Therefore, educational institutions like schools must sow the seeds of leadership skills in young learners and tell them the importance of leadership. The schools should also nurture them into being future leaders who can and will make a difference to future generations.

Now, if we talk about what are qualities of a good leader, the latter is defined by some significant traits such as an able communicator, who is confident, credible, courageous, and a compassionate individual. These lifelong skills are key cornerstones to any future career, community, and progress of every nation on the planet.

How to encourage students to be good leaders & enhance their leadership skills

While teachers can hone the leadership skills of students, they should encourage leadership action via a series of activities like setting up a hobby club, involving students in after-school activities, and volunteer work both inside and outside the school. This includes help with the school library, helping underprivileged sections, and many other activities.

The best mentor or coaches are the teachers who can teach students the traits of a leader as they lead by example in the way they act, speak, and behave. They lead their students through challenging activities and training. Some of the ways to teach students leadership qualities are enclosed below:

• Time management skills:

The ability to plan things and accomplish tasks on time are huge learning and a habit to be treasured for young listeners. Teachers can help them by providing tasks, encouraging students to draw up lists and prioritize things by setting time frames against them and maintaining a journal to track their progress

• Communication:

Using the right words orally, in writing and through positive body language is another significant skill to teach students. Transparent communication not only helps in creating an ambiance of trust but also teaches students to value others and be more collaborative, adaptive and flexible.

• Taking initiatives and decision-making:

Right or wrong, the true mark of a genuine leader is when he can take decisions at the right time or opportunity to accomplish a goal/task with his team or for the welfare of his people. Teachers can help their students by encouraging them to identify opportunities, think about what the impact of their decision in different situations would be and weigh both sides of the coin before arriving at any conclusion

• Networking:

The art of connecting with others around oneself simply and transparently, is a lifelong skill that is bound to ensure success. Social connections and collaboration with others can not only help surmount challenges but can also overcome arduous situations. This also encourages students into peer learning wherein they can learn significant lessons from the experience of their peers.

We at Genesis Global School aim to nurture resilient, holistic, empathetic & lifelong learners in a multi-cultural environment, for a sustainable future.

The above-mentioned key elements spark an innovative and solution-oriented mindset. They tell us the importance of leadership which in turn fosters key skills like empathy, adaptability, reasoning, critical thinking, flexibility, the ability to take risks, and also strive towards the bigger goal of well-being for both people and the planet.

On 13-07-2022 0 2003

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