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/ Value Education: A Progressive Step Towards Holistic Learning

Value Education: A Progressive Step Towards Holistic Learning

Value education - A progressive step towards holistic learning

Education is an essential aspect of every individual’s life. The saying, “Learning is a process that starts from a mother’s womb and ends in one’s tomb”, states the importance of education. While you may find every individual to be academically empowered, very few would also have value education. The significance of value education has increased over the years as it helps in developing a well-balanced personality.  

It is your responsibility, as a parent, to ensure that your child develops skills to not only survive the real world but also thrive in it. While it is vital to ponder over matters such as choosing a career, preparing for the future, it is equally crucial to progress holistically and first become a good human being. 

If the entire learning process is centralized and evaluation driven, your child may not receive all-round development. Hence, it is imperative to make the right choice of school for your child. While you question the importance of value education, you should understand that a child spends a lot of time in school. Hence, the school environment should be enriching. We, at Genesis Global School, offer an extremely flexible curriculum that caters to the development needs of students and have kept value education as a significant core element. 

There are many questions that might come to your mind when you think about value education: 

What is the Importance of Value Education?

The socio-emotional development of every child is as necessary as learning. With value education, students learn about the relationship of mutual respect and trust between teachers and students. Further, these students have the same relationship with their peers. The primary understanding of this harmony will lead to a healthy and thriving community in the future. 

Value education is a part of the educational process which instills moral standards in students. Its importance was understated before, but with growing conscientiousness among parents, it has become an integral part of the learning process at various schools. At the parent’s end, they must ensure that the child is enrolled in a school which offers value education. 

  • What Are The Basic Guidelines For Value Education And How Are They Implemented? 

The basic guidelines for value education involve promoting a comfortable learning space in schools. The key factor that adds to value education is understanding diversity and collective identity. Hence, your child must learn to respect people from different countries, ethnicities and backgrounds. 

The importance of value education is also related to critical thinking. Value education gives equal importance to social skills, along with academics. It encourages empathy, enhances communication skills and teamwork in the life of students. 

When a classroom becomes a safe place to voice doubts and concerns and to make mistakes and errors without judgment, value education sustains. Under a value-based education system, the student is assessed holistically rather than just academically. A positive environment with regular retrospection of teaching methods and processes is the ideal requirement. 

  • How to Evaluate Value Education? 

The critical question is- how will you self-evaluate with respect to value education? To answer this question, you must find the solution within yourself. Since you have finished your education and are now a parent, you do not want your child to make any mistakes you might have made. It will benefit your child by making him learn the importance of value education. 

If you want your child to have a moral understanding of sharing and compassion, you must ensure that your child receives value education. 

Ensure Holistic Development for Your Child 

While seeking the finest for your child, it is imperative to stress the importance of your child becoming a good citizen. You must not undermine the significance of value education in this fast-paced world where everybody is running after materialistic happiness and fulfillment.  

We, at Genesis Global School, place a large emphasis on value education. The faculty and the school administration ensure that all students are cognitively and emotionally compliant. 

As a parent, keep in mind what would be best for your child and take a step ahead with an apt choice of school. 

On 19-06-2020 0 3161

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