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Quiz Competition

Congratulations to the Team of Aritro Bose, Rhitik Jassar, Pallav Sethi and Keshav Priye Dhall who made us proud at the 21st JTM Gibson Memorial Quiz and Debate competition at Mayo College, Ajmer.
Out of 12 competing schools, our team placed 4th in the Quiz competition and reached the Finals of the Debate. Good work Genesians!
– In Preliminary Round 1 of the Debate, Aritro Bose was declared the Best speaker.
– In Preliminary Round 2, Rhitik Jassar was declared the Best speaker.
– In the Quarter Final , Aritro Bose & Pallav Sethi were declared the Best speaker.
– In the Semi Final 1, Rhitik Jassar was declared the Best speaker.

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